HACCP for Cannabis = Consumer protection, and it can be used for evaluating or assessing potential hazards that may be present in cannabis consumable products.

The core of many food safety programs is built around Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points, or HACCP.
HACCP is a methodology that helps companies systematically identify and control biological, chemical, and physical hazards that may arise during food production, handling, and distribution.
Companies that adopt this methodology end up with a HACCP plan, verification activities and CCPs that require extra monitoring, direct observations and review. Federal regulators in manufacturing operations review your HACCP Plan and documents daily.
It’s often required for food businesses and is generally required in most of the world, except where ISO 22000 is more common, primarily in Europe and countries whose primary export market is European.
Since HACCP plans are also incorporated into most of the other achievable certifications, developing a HACCP program early will build a strong foundation for higher levels of certification.
In addition, HACCP Plans are a great way to defend your process, including in a court of law.
Want to set your business up for long-term profitability and success?
With standards like HACCP certifications, you will be way ahead in the game! B-HIVE is ready to guide you to certification of your chosen standard.
Is your business ready and counts with a plan HACCP for cannabis? Look out for your opportunities here

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